Mar 23, 2012

Late Christmas Early Easter Lame Giveaway

Have mercy with me and join this giveaway.
Bojím sa, že nikto nezapojí.
Toto je totiž giveaway o dve DIY veci, ktoré aj tak vyzerajú, ale snažila som sa!

 náhrdelník (no swarowski components)

mini taštička s prítulnými zajacmi

Podmienkou je zapojiť sa, a napísať ktorú vec by ste si prosili a ešte e-mail.
Žrebovanie bude trebárs 9. apríla.

Mar 19, 2012

Visiting Sister-in-law

2nd hand costume, 2nd hand shirt partially DIY, 2nd hand best shoes.

I had the best weekend in Virginia.
Village with the largest concentration of anarchokapitalists, libertarians and imitators per square meter.

Mar 13, 2012

Miss Tuning

supercardigan my grandma made for me, levis jeans, borrowed superstylish shoes

Tento víkend sa mi splnil sen a konečne som sa stala Miss Tuning.
Prečo nie?

Mar 9, 2012

They Arrive From South

 HM skirt, 2nd hand hunting shirt and shoes, Asos bag

Konečne na lazoch.